The stage is just like a magnifying glass - it will magnify good and bad alike.

You must not ignore this when you come on the stage.

Dear Reader,

Since 1999, I have been producing hand – made PAAL MODE Bodybuilding Suits, costumes.

My whole life is about the stage! I started to attend a ballet school at the age of 7. Then, from the age of 14 I did ballroom dance.

I had never thought that one vision would make the whole world acquainted with my name and quality work. All the countries have known PAAL MODE nice top quality products in 20 years. It is fantastic to feel that I succeed(ed) in improving this ’genre’!Thank you for your attention.


Paál László

Why to choose.

Since 1999, Hungarian, International and world-famous bodybuilders who choose PAAL MODE pants, bikinis and clothes.

Kathy Béla

Dániel Tóth IFBB pro bodybuilder, WABBA world champion, NAC world champion, WBPF world champion bodybuilder competitor.

Krisztián Bereczki WABBA World Champion, NAC World Champion, Superbody Champion, Romania Muscle Fest Pro Qualifer Super Heavyweight 2nd place.

Dmitry Yashankin 3x World Champion Arnold Classic (classic bb) champion, Mr. Universe fitness Conditioning Coach of Russian hockey National Team

János Nagy

Tibor Szabó Belgium IFBB Judge

Miklós Molnár Ex-testépítő versenyző, BODYSPORT Kupa rendezvény szervezője

Melinda Szabó 3x IFBB Fitness Világ és európa bajnok, 3x Arnold Classic győztes

Roland Méhes, naturálny kulturista - tréner kulturistiky a fitness, majster Slovenska v naturálnej kulturistike v roku 2015, rozhodca asociácie SANK Slovakia, predseda športového klubu Šk Arena Relax team.

PAAL MODE style and quality.

All our garments are made of hand-made, specially designed materials with special sewing.

Krisztián Gyulai - Brigus Brigi

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