Mészáros Eszter
A bikinik 2500-2600 db nagyon jó minőségű 20 SS méretű KRISTÁLY (Crystal) kövekkel van diszítve, speciális, erős kristály ragasztóval!
20 SS Kristály köveket használom a legtöbb esetben! Kivétel, ha konkrét színigény van!
Nem készítek mintás bikiniket,mert minden minta rontja az arányokat és messzíről, foltként látható!
Rossz diszítéssel teljesen ellehet rontani az arányokat!
A bikini bugyi fenék részen csúszásgátló szilikon van, amitől nagyon szép és esztétikus a fenék rész!
A bikini bugyi extra tulajdonsága, hogy az egész bugyi tele van ragasztva kövekkel, amit nagyon sok készítő nem vesz figyelembe!
Mészáros Eszter
The bikinis are decorated with 2500-2600 pieces of very good quality 20 SS size crystals stuck with special, strong crystal glue.
20 SS crystal stones are used usually, except for the case when a customer needs a particular colour.
Silver coloured AB Crystals shine extraordinarily on the bikini. The original colour of the material is reflected on the silver AB quality crystals stuck on materials of any colour.
I do not manufacture patterned bikinis because all paterns may spoil the dimensions, seen as tarnishes from a distance. Poor decoration can completely spoil dimensions.
Preparing for a contest can take a long time, years if you like, renunciation, a lot of energy and money. A poorly decorated bikini can completely damage your invested work, even the result of the contest.
There is nonskid silicon on the seat part of the bikini which makes that part beautiful and aesthetic.
It is special that the bikini briefs are completely stuck with crystals that is not average in the case of many other manufacturers.
I cannot accept resposibility for the discolouring or the damage of the material if tanning is used because these materials cannot stand tanning.
You MUSTN’T better your tanning wearing your bikini in the tanning cabin!
Tanning is allowed to do without wearing your decorated bikini in the tanning cabin.
If some more tanning is needed before you enter the stage and have your bikini on, you have to do it only and solely with a sponge roller.
It is advisable to put on the bikini only and solely before you enter the stage!
It is not recommended to sit, lie or possibly walk for hours on the venue of the contest if you are wearing your bikini.
The bikini is for the stage!
No doubt that your trainer wants to look at your bikini before the contest but you must not practise posing with your expensive bikini on because all materials can be damaged by sweat.
It is not only recommended but COMPULSORY to use a pantyliner in your briefs!
It should be washed only and solely manually and dried in a natural way.
You can use a soft nailbrush or a toothbrush while washing the bikini. While it is washed, some crystals may come off but with the bikini I send some crystals and special glue that you cannot buy in shops.